Look at the Friends for Life Mural at the Friends for Life Animal Shelter on 22nd Street in the Heights! You might recognize this work as being by the talented artist Anat Ronen.

This mural is visible from 22nd Street, if you are driving east. If you are driving west, just stop by the animal shelter and you will find it on the west side of the building.
Parking is free in the street (and if you are quick, you might be able to snag a free parking lot spot for a couple of minutes). Just don't leave your car without checking the signs!
The mural is really big and there are some power poles in the way... so you may not get a good shot of the whole thing... but you can definitely zoom in on your favorite animal. The dog in the tutu might be my favorite.
Click address for map: 107 E 22nd St, Houston, TX 77008
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