(Update: This location closed after Harvey. You can now find Spaghetti Warehouse Houston on the Katy Freeway.)
The downtown Spaghetti Warehouse Houston building was originally the Desel-Boettcher warehouse. It was built in the early 1900s and was bought by the Spaghetti Warehouse in 1974.
I am a wimp when it comes to all things scary, but I thought we should go check out what all the talk was about. Plus, I had a coupon. (Saving money makes me more brave.)
Spaghetti Warehouse Houston is in a neat old building with brick walls and lots of character. Apparently most of the spirit encounters have been on the second floor, which is open only for parties. Curious diners can go to the check it out, but we did NOT.
In fact, if I had known ahead of time that there are tales of a "man" shuffling around the men's bathroom, I would have not have taken my kids next door to the women's restroom. (By the way, it was clean and appears to be spirit free.)
I am happy to report that all reported spirit encounters have been "nice" and that we had no encounters of our own. If you would like to learn more about the haunted building, go HERE or check out this book on Ghosthunting Texas.
Spaghetti Warehouse Houston:
Address: 901 Commerce St., Houston, TX 77002
Heather MacLean says
I wood like to see if the spaghetti-warehouse is hunted
Heather MacLean says
I wood like to see if the spaghetti-warehouse is hunted
Myra says
I went right after the opening back in the 70's but nothing happened sooow we're going later for Fathers Day! Will let ya know how it goes!
Melissa zacharias says
We went today.. as we ate my oldest kept hearing a woman call her name..we went upstairs to check it out.. all lights were off except for 4 lights so we walked around in the very dark room with very little light from outside.. Very uneasy feeling up there like someone is following you around cause they don't want you there. My oldest said she saw a tall lady in black walking behind trolley. And as we were leaving to head down stairs I heard a ladies voice call my daughters name from across the room.. we were the only ones up there... plus I knew I wasn't hearing things cause her head turned as if I was calling her.. we even went in the bathroom upstairs..
Jacqueline Haase says
I took my daughter, and spouse about five yrs back at the time, she is Now 11yrs old but she remembers her first haunting experience we were waiting for our food to come we were eating a Appetizer when she got this look of fright on her little face I thought she was going to really cry her eyes where big as saucers and I became really concerned!!! My first reaction was maybe she was choking I asked her what was wrong she would not say until we got home!!! Then she said it felt as if someone threw a small eraser that hit ger on her shoulder they where no children around to throw an eraser at her I looked around only adults engaged in their meals. The food as nd service is Great by the way!!! And the building has a certain badness to it.
Brianna says
Once I went to spaghetti ware house I heard like someone was whispering in my ear and then I turned around and there was nobody then I went to Google on my phone and I searched up if there was ghosts in spaghetti warehouse and then I saw a couple of story's of people who used to work there and I read this story about this lady that her husband fell off the second floor and the lady was suffering that she didn't have her husband no more and so she passed away two and I heard this story about that there is a men shuffling around the men's restroom I got scared and went down to the first floor
Daisy says
I went to Spaghetti Warehouse with my daughter on a field trip, and have never been up on the second floor. When we were eating in the trolley the chandelier next to us started rocking then it suddenly stopped. The chandeliers are up high, its impossible to reach without a ladder. It was an interesting experience.
Mike and Sherri Wooddell says
My wife, son and I went to the Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner. After, we went upstairs and walked around and took pictures. My son and I witnessed a double set of doors swing open, with no one around. We went over and took a couple pictures of the stairs. Once home, we discovered a blue orb on several pics that seemed to go down the steps on each pic. Very odd. We even had orbs in the trolley car. Lots of orbs. Fun night.
David Born says
The warehouse is now closed because of Harvey...Permanently. Such a loss. I performed Celebrity Mystery's there monthly for 10 years.. over 100. All on the second floor. I am the only company member who had a haunting during this time. 8 of us. I had a broken watch that i wore as 'Robin Williams'.. It had been broke for a year. The second hand permanently stuck on 3:15 pm. Before I went on stage, I showed my cast mate my watch...talked about how I needed one that worked. It was 9 pm. I came offstage at 9:15... and..to my Surprise the watch had set itself ahead 6 hours to the Correct Time..9:15 pm...and it was working...!! I showed my friend...we got chills. The next morning I woke up and the watch was stuck on 3:15 again. It has never worked again. I got new a watch. I had been complaining that since Robin Williams death I could not book my Tribute act anymore..I believe Robin Reached out to me. I met Robin and have been Impersonating him for 20 years. True Story from a Native Houstonian.